wNaked News |
In which my articles, poems and random thoughts will appear. See also my website at stewalbert.com
wSunday, January 15, 2006 |

My central website is http://members.aol.com/stewa/stew.html . For information on Stew Albert's new book --"Who The Hell Is Stew Albert?" go to http://www.redhen.org/stewalbert.htm or Amazon.com. If you want a signed copy get in touch with me at stewa@aol.com Most of my movie reviews written during the period of my Hep C chemotherapy appear at: http://www.emptymirrorbooks.com/thirdpage/stewreviews.html Thank you Third Page And if you want to book me for a speech, you can contact the Yippie Speakers Bureau via http://yippie.mindvox.com -------
Night & Day
All my night dreams now, even the disturbing episodes have a soothing happy moment, cause I always get to say. it was only a dream. of just no concern
Unfortunately my day thoughts, unending burdens, making me up.
---- Day In The Life ---- Second day of chemtherapy, I'm feeling slow and sleepy. I spent all of yesterday fighting the hiccups. They were probably a chemo side effect. I was medically advised to drink ice water, eat sugar, manipulate my eye balls and much more. Almost every trick worked some of the time but not with predictability. I had to keep changing my tactics. Somewhere in the middle of this struggle we drove to Wongs King, our favorite Chinese Restaurant, and did a "pick up"
posted by
stew at 9:46 AM