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In which my articles, poems and random thoughts will appear. See also my website at stewalbert.com
wSaturday, November 12, 2005 |
My central website is http://hometown.aol.com/stewa/stew. For information on Stew Albert's new book --"Who The Hell Is Stew Albert?" go to http://www.redhen.org/stewalbert.htm or Amazon.com. If you want a signed copy get in touch with me at stewa@aol.com Most of my movie reviews written during the period of my Hep C chemotherapy appear at: http://www.emptymirrorbooks.com/thirdpage/stewreviews.html Thank you Third Page And if you want to book me for a speech, you can contact the Yippie Speakers Bureau via http://yippie.mindvox.com --------
Everything cracks up nothing isn't worn out by gravity and contradiction but what remains and resides tells the story.
Neocon revolution crashing into a wall of its own construction, lights going on hope reviving but the residue of Reactionaries blocking the road, ruling over courts and contrarions, only vision can clear a path but where is it hiding? -----
Day In The Life -- I've been getting good mail about my poem Biology. It appeared here a few days ago and is in the weekend CounterPunch. It's all about Kansas and the teaching of evolution. Since I made a little fun of the place, it's nice to be getting some friendly e-mails from Kansas. For those who are curious -- No -- I have not yet heard from Dorothy. (As you may know, Oz followed a different pattern of evolution and Lions and perhaps other animals developed the ability of speech.)
I made a chicken dish where the sauce is a mixture of orange juice, lemon juice, honey and hot peppers. You also toss in a dozen Kumquats. The cookbook calls it Israeli chicken but I never ate anything that good in Israel.
We saw the remake of The Longest Yard, the film that centers on a brutal football game in which a team of prisoners takes on a team of guards and it's all manipulated by a sadistic warden who is using the game to become governor of Texas. Adam Sandler takes on the old Bert Reynolds role of the star quarterback who fell into disgrace for shaving points. While Sandler is not as physically convincing as Reynolds, his enthusiasm makes up for what is lacking in football player size. And Bert himself joins the team, he's still in the joint, as its coach. All the action takes place in Texas, the home of George Bush and capital punishment.
posted by
stew at 11:29 AM