wNaked News
In which my articles, poems and random thoughts will appear. See also my website at stewalbert.com


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wSaturday, January 28, 2006

Draining fast food
Gotcha going nowhere
It's still the sea around us
So award tells me
Moving fast
Don't move it tonight
I prefer it clean

Day in the Life: My politics have not changed. Stew

posted by stew at 9:20 AM

wFriday, January 27, 2006


Fell over flat first thing in the morning
so now there is a bit of hospice in the mix
your Arabs fell further
they voted for Hamas
even two life times might not be enough

Neighbor Mike was over at 7:30 in the morning to help lift me up. Thank you. Jessica is coming today at 11. D, Sharon, L&B all came to visit which I enjoyed and was actually able to have a conversation. Now back to sleep.

posted by stew at 9:11 AM

wThursday, January 26, 2006

Maybe so long

Dreaming of sleep
in a nice warm hole

But maybe its just chemo
getting me down
take a few days off
but maybe I'm dying.
I would't stick around
but I need options.
I'll try to keep you posted.,

posted by stew at 9:21 AM

wWednesday, January 25, 2006

Just About

Barely bloging
staggering with sleep
Yesterday's draining hurt
kind of torturing me
but I do feel better minus the fluid
giving maybe my last straight up newspaper interview today
how best to describe hideous horrible world I 'm leaving behind
by Vomit in their faces
but I don't do that
inhibitions maybe hold me back for now

perhaps latter when cancer is more advanced I'll maybe express more feely.?

In The Life-- The doctor wasn't sure if chemo was helping or hurting. I looked too pale, more talk on Thursday.

posted by stew at 1:34 PM

wMonday, January 23, 2006

My central website is stewalbert.com. For information on Stew Albert's new book --"Who The Hell Is Stew Albert?" go to http://www.redhen.org/stewalbert.htm or Amazon.com. If you want a signed copy get in touch with me at stewa@aol.com Most of my movie reviews written during the period of my Hep C chemotherapy appear at: http://www.emptymirrorbooks.com/thirdpage/stewreviews.html Thank you Third Page And if you want to book me for a speech, you can contact the Yippie Speakers Bureau via http://yippie.mindvox.com

The Great Dictator

Dubya putting it on the line
I am unitary ruler of America
I can do anything I want
don't care what you think
my only concession to democracy
is telling bad jokes.
Day In The Life -- How Yippie normal was our Sunday afternoon. Our living room once again turned into a movie studio. MS was here with his LA crew, interviewing Judy and me about the history of Yippie for a documentary. The questions were grounded in making both us recall personal radical history and giving some permanent mark. My interview went on for two hours and I stood up to it with a very strong sense of memory. Afterwards I crashed and Judy was interviewed. It was great seeing Michael and doing a normal thing.

I had harsh stomach aches last night and suffered from chemo induced constipation. I fill better this morning. The major effect of the liver cancer on our lives so far, is a much busier social schedule. We have dinner guests tonight. Well, to be honest more socializing and much more crazy anxiety.

posted by stew at 10:23 AM

wSunday, January 22, 2006

My central website is http://members.aol.com/stewa/stew.html . For information on Stew Albert's new book --"Who The Hell Is Stew Albert?" go to http://www.redhen.org/stewalbert.htm or Amazon.com. If you want a signed copy get in touch with me at stewa@aol.com Most of my movie reviews written during the period of my Hep C chemotherapy appear at: http://www.emptymirrorbooks.com/thirdpage/stewreviews.html Thank you Third Page And if you want to book me for a speech, you can contact the Yippie Speakers Bureau via http://yippie.mindvox.com


Open hearted people
soothe illness
making it retire to the nearest corner
while we eat fantastic meal.

Illness only get a bit crabby
on second portion
of boiled beef flanken.

Day In The Life -- Lots of friends came by yesterday, and one phoned from NYC. My energy and presence was remarkably good given the chemo circumstances. E and M came over with a cooked flanken. A cuisine old world Jewish treasure, handed from E's mother, via her father's note taking. Ah my vegan friends, you don't know what you are missing.
M is town with his film crew. They will be interviewing Judy and me for the Yippie documentary this afternoon. I think I can handle it. And I'll spend the morning resting up.

posted by stew at 10:36 AM